Corina Post

MPP/MSW ’17, International Practice Pathway Fellow

Corina has been working in global development for two years prior to starting her Masters curriculum at UCLA. She has worked in medical vans in rural India, youth development camps in Spain, and established a sexual education program in Guatemala. She is pursuing both a Masters in Social Welfare and a Masters in Public Policy to have a social justice orientation to systems-based social policy. She enjoys hiking, yoga, salsa dancing, exploring, and has a newfound enjoyment of eating with her hands in Zambia this summer.

For IPP, she is working with World Vision Zambia evaluating an innovative 5 year, 3 country, 3 level intervention to galvanize local health networks to improve outcomes for maternal and child health and nutrition. The success of this intervention could change aid paradigms towards prioritizing financial resources in preventative rather than responsive health strategies. The three components of this intervention address the systems of the individuals, communities, and health networks.