Roger Waldinger
Distinguished Professor of Sociology
Home Department: Sociology
Areas of Interest
International migration, race and ethnicity.
Roger Waldinger is Distinguished Professor of Sociology at UCLA. He has worked on international migration throughout his career, writing on a broad set of topics, including immigrant entrepreneurship, labor markets, assimilation, the second generation, high-skilled immigration, immigration policy, and public opinion. The author of six books, most recently, How the Other Half Works: Immigration and the Social Organization of Labor (University of California Press, 2003). Waldinger is now writing a new book, tentatively entitled Foreign Detachment: America’s Immigrants and Their Homeland Connections, explaining how the American experience at once facilitates, competes with, and structures immigrants’ involvements with the countries from which they come. Foreign Detachment builds on a series of his recent papers and publications on the topic. Waldinger is a 2008 Guggenheim Fellow; his research has been supported by grants from the Ford, Haines, Mellon, National Science, Sloan and Russell Sage Foundations. Waldinger is currently Interim Associate Vice-Provost for International Studies. He previously served as Chair of the Department of Sociology from 1999-2004 and directed the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies, UCLA School of Public Affairs from 1995-1998. He is a regular instructor in the year-long graduate, sociology seminar on international migration in comparative perspective. He has taught all three quarters: the first, on theory, history, and policy; the second, on economic and social incorporation; the third, a research seminar. He is also co-organizer of the “Migration Study Group,” a year-long speaker series featuring interdisciplinary talks on international migration.
Selected Research
1. Foreign Detachment: America’s Immigrants and Their Homeland Connections (forthcoming)
2. “Beyond Transnationalism: An Alternative Perspective on Immigrants’ Homeland Connections,” in Mark Rosenblum and Daniel Tichenor, eds. Oxford Handbook of International Relations.
3. “Rethinking Transnationalism,” Empiria: Revista de Metología en Ciencias Sociales, No. 19 (2010): 21-38.