Anne Pebley

Director of the Bixby Center for Population and Reproductive Health
Fred H. Bixby Professor of Population Studies at the Fielding School of Public Health and the California Center for Population Research
Professor of Sociology
Home Department: Community Health Services; Sociology
Areas of Interest
Demographic and population policy; maternal and child health; social determinants of health behavior
310- 825-4505
Anne Pebley is Fred H. Bixby Professor of Population Studies at the Fielding School of Public Health and the California Center for Population Research at the University of California Los Angeles. Pebley received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Cornell University. Her research interest including the social determinants of health, social and physical contexts and individual health and well-being, demography, urban sociology, maternal and child health in poor countries, population and social policy, migration and health in the United States and globally. Pebley is Director of the Bixby Center for Population and Reproductive Health at UCLA. Her research includes studies in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico, Kenya, DR Congo, Mali, Bangladesh, India, the Tibetan region of China, and the US.
Selected Research
- Jones, M. and A.R. Pebley. Redefining Neighborhoods Using Common Destinations: Social Characteristics of Activity Spaces and Home Census Tracts Compared. Demography, June 2014; 51(3):727-752.
- Goldman, N., Pebley, A.R., Creighton, M.J., Teruel, G.M., Rubalcava, L.N., and Chung, C., “The Consequences of Migration to the United States for Short-Term Changes in Health of Mexican Immigrants.” Demography, May 2014.
- Ullman, S.H., N. Goldman, and A.R. Pebley. “Contextual factors and weight change over time: A comparison between U.S. Hispanics and other population sub-groups.” Social Science and Medicine, August 2013; 90:40-48.