Washington, D.C., Spring Break Trip
Application for Spring Break 2022: IPP-DC-Spring-2022-Application
Orientation for D.C. Spring Break Trip and application will be held in late January 2022.
Passcode: 14u3RRm.
The International Practice Pathway of the Global Public Affairs program sponsors annual spring break trips to Washington, DC. The purpose of these trips are to provide Luskin students with the opportunity to meet with a range of professionals working in different aspects of global public affairs. The trip includes the opportunity to meet with a number of Luskin and other UCLA alumni who work for international organizations.
Among the organizations represented in recent trips were USAID, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Aspen Institute, Mathematica, the Aga Khan Foundation, Mathematica, InterAction, the Basic Education Coalition and the World Bank. Examples of alumni include
- Jeff Garnett, Millennium Challenge Corporation
- Liz Grant, Aga Khan Foundation
- Jacob Veverka, USAID
- Nickie Fung, Mathematica
Throughout the four days of meetings, the Luskin students engage in detailed discussion with alumni and others on some of the basic career questions that can help guide post-graduate searches for employment.
- What are the various jobs available in this field?
- In what ways is your occupation changing?
- What skills or personal characteristics do you feel contribute most to success in this field?
- How does your work relate to experiences or studies you had in university?
- How well did your university experience prepare you for this job?
The students also benefit from the guidance of several alumni who specifically present them with details on how a ‘job resume’ is different than an ‘academic CV’ and how to hone their academic preparation for skills that will be useful in the workplace.
Through the generosity of a Luskin Board member, Michael Mahdesian, GPA is usually able to provide a number of fellowships for students to participate in the program. Each student will be required to produce a reflection on their experiences and the highlights from the trip, which offers good insights into both their learning and the value of the alumni network.
Interested? Read about student experiences below.