Fall 2020 | HLT POL 249 – Advanced Research Topics in Health Policy and Management: Global Public Health and Social Policy Research Amidst COVID Pandemic

Quarter: Fall 2020
Instructor: Heymann, S.J.

In face of both COVID-19 and threat of future pandemics, study provides students skills needed to comparatively analyze approaches taken by countries to minimize disease spread and reduce economic loss due to stay-at- home orders, quarantines, physical distancing, and related measures. Students learn to analyze health and social policies comparatively and learn about differing policy responses across countries to COVID-19. Each student selects area to develop a database for, related to the pandemic, and analyze area deeply. Grading: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Enrollment: by instructor consent. Please contact Professor Heymann at jody.heymann[at]ph.ucla.edu